When you buy a vehicle for your personal needs, you make up your mind to have the money for its repair charges. In situations like this, extended warranties come in handy. Extended warranty plans are designed to cover the consumers against the cost of repair of mechanical breakdowns and some other systems and parts. This article will let you through Infiniti extended warranty coverage plan levels, service contracts, and what is not covered by the plans.
What is covered by an Infiniti extended warranty?
In this section, you’ll get to know the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions, such as;
- What is covered by an Infiniti extended warranty plan?
- What is the duration of coverage?
- When can you get the Infiniti Elite Protection Program?
- Where can you purchase Infiniti extended warranty plan?
With Infiniti’s extended warranty plan, your vehicle is protected against repair costs for up to 8 years or 120,000 miles. Infiniti’s extended warranty coverage plan is also known as Infiniti Elite Protection Program. Infiniti itself backs this vehicle service contract.
What is covered by an Infiniti extended warranty plan?
Let’s talk about the things covered by a standard Infiniti extended warranty. We will come to the conclusion that it covers almost everything included in the coverage of power train and factory bumper-to-bumper warranties.
What is the duration of coverage?
It is a vehicle service contract designed to last for eight years or 120,000 miles.
When can you get the Infiniti Elite Protection Program?
You can get the Infiniti Elite Protection Program service contract whenever you pay for the inspection. However, Infiniti itself prefers and recommends purchasing the extended warranty at the time of sale.
Where can you purchase Infiniti extended warranty plan?
Keep in mind that you will only get Infiniti extended warranty through an authorized dealer. Otherwise, you may get into trouble. So, whenever you make up your mind to purchase Infiniti’s extended warranty, always opt-out for authorized dealers.
After purchasing the Infiniti extended warranty plan, you’ll have to contact an Infiniti dealer for all the repair sessions. Moreover, the good news is you will always get genuine Infiniti parts. However, hundreds of Infiniti dealerships are in the United States of America. After a breakdown, you’ll need to tow your vehicle to the nearest dealership.
Are there any additional perks for Elite Protection Program holders?
The answer is yes. Like the other extended warranty plans, Infiniti also does offer a few additional benefits for its Elite Protection Program customers. These extra perks include roadside assistance, alternate transportation, and trip interruption. Let us know in a bit of detail what do these terms mean.
Trip Interruption
Suppose that you are traveling and, unfortunately, you have a breakdown, but you are over a hundred miles away from your home. In this case, Infiniti will reimburse up to 500 USD. This amount is for lodging and food facility. Moreover, if you get back home and your vehicle’s repair is not completed, your vehicle will be towed to your house free of charge. Isn’t it great?
Alternate Transportation
Infiniti provides another added perk to its extended warranty plan holders. Infiniti will cover the rental costs of your vehicle up to 50 USD for five days. However, this is in the case of covered breakdowns.
Infiniti Roadside Assistance
Infiniti offers complete roadside assistance for extended warranty holders, including jump starts, fuel delivery, towing, lockout assistance, and spare tire assistance. The roadside assistance lasts for eight whole years or 120,000 miles.
What is not covered by an Infiniti extended warranty?
In the upper paragraphs, we have mentioned that almost everything is covered by Infiniti extended warranty that is included in the power train and factory bumper-to-bumper coverage plan. However, a few things are not included in the coverage for both factory and extended warranty plans.
If your vehicle needs repairs due to misuse or lack of maintenance, you’ll not be covered by the extended warranty plan. If your car goes through competitive driving such as racing, the Elite Protection Program will not cover the repairs. Moreover, the extended warranty plan also does not cover the cost of repairs against environmental damages and normal wear and tear such as dings and chips.
If your vehicle undergoes unauthorized repairs, you’ll not be covered against these repairs. In addition to that, you’ll not be protected against repair costs for the altered or modified parts of the Infiniti vehicle. The cosmetic items, wear items and general maintenance costs are also an exclusion of the extended warranty plan offered by Infiniti.
How much does the Infiniti extended warranty plans cost?
Infiniti does not make the prices of extended warranty plans public. However, we found the prices with the help of our resources somehow. The cost of plans varies with the duration as well as the amount of deductible charges per repair. According to our resources, with 0 USD deductible per repair, the Infiniti extended warranty plan costs somewhat between 1500 to 2500 USD for the contracts’ 6 to 8 years duration. On the other hand, for a 100 USD deductible plan, an extended warranty plan ranges from 1200 to 2000 USD. However, keep in mind that the charges may vary from vehicle to vehicle and plan to plan. The costs for specific models may also be different than explained here.
Do You Really Need Infiniti Extended Warranty Coverage?
Since the Infiniti factory bumper-to-bumper warranty expires after four years or 60,000 miles, it is wise to consider an extended warranty or Elite Protection Program offered by Infiniti itself. Keep that in mind that brands like Infiniti sometimes do not hit as many sales as other brands, but still, they have a lot of options to offer. Purchasing an extended warranty plan means you can have tension-free rides. You can focus on other essential things in your life if you are protected by Infiniti extended warranty plan. In this way, Infiniti extended warranty can be a great option!
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