Most people, within a few hours of waking up, interact with several devices that required programming to function. Our phones, fridges, microwaves, coffee-makers, cars, cookers, and sometimes even our toothbrushes are computerized these days. Everything that is computerized speaks the language of computers – commonly known as coding. In order to make a computer, or anything that requires a microchip to function as the manufacturer intended, some needs to program it. In other words, you need to use code – the language of computers – to write instructions for the device. All programming is just learning how to write instructions in the language and grammar of computers.
Benefits of Learning Programming?
We spoke with an IT support company that has been in business for more than a decade. TechQuarters provide managed IT London based businesses rely on for all their technical needs. Programming is quickly becoming one of the most valued skills in the business world. If your resume says that you know how to program, you’ll be a very desirable candidate. But, even if you are not planning to make a career out of programming, there are a lot of benefits of learning how to do it:
Workflow Efficiency
Once you understand the principles of programming, and you have the tools to do it, there are virtually limitless possibilities for you. But one useful application for programming isn’t that complex at all. Most people that work with computers have a number of repetitive tasks that they need to perform, whether its sorting through emails, submitting reports, managing files, etc. If you know a bit of programming, you can easily write basic programs to automate those repetitive tasks – and if you do this, you can free up time to focus on other more valuable work.
Keep Up With Your Technical Colleagues
There is a classic trope with IT in business, which is that IT professionals speak a different language to the average person – all that jargon can sometimes be overwhelming to pick apart. The fact that technology is becoming more and more essential to businesses only risks exacerbating the communication difficulties. But if you learn programming, you’ll have a much better understanding of all that technical language. Not only will this help you understand your technical colleagues better, it means you can ask better and more relevant questions, thus helping you better understand those aspects of business that you once thought was too specialist for you to know about.
Get Better at Problem Solving
Programming is all about problem solving when you get down to it. Every program was invented because they solved a problem the programmers were having trouble with. This can be very simple, such as automating repetitive tasks, or it could be very complex solutions, such as with Cloud Technology. All of these things start with a problem that someone is attempting to resolve with programming. If you learn to program, your problem solving skills will naturally develop – you’ll learn how to plan better, how to look for and identify errors, and how to adapt to errors and find logical solutions.
Logic and Creativity Meet
Most people think of programming as a purely technical and logical field. But that completely overlooks the fact that there are so many creative applications for programming – there’s web design, app design, digital art, etc. As mentioned above, programming is all about problem solving; learning it can help you develop your logical skills. Creative problem solving and logical problem solving can compliment and strengthen each other.
Understand How Things Work
These days, businesses need websites; some businesses even have their own apps – either web applications, desktop applications, or mobile applications. Programming websites and apps are one of the most highly demands skills in business these days, and even if you are not directly responsible for it, it is always worth having a working knowledge of how to build websites and apps. For example, you might be in a situation where your company wants to change or add a feature to a website. Maybe you won’t be able to do it yourself, but if you knew the fundamentals of the project, you could be a big help in planning it, and finding the right person to perform the work.
I have been writing articles from the very beginning. I research before writing tutorials and make sure to pen it down in such a way that it becomes easier to understand by users.